版本: 6.1.0




自动摘要是一种常见的 NLP 任务,自动摘要模型可以根据一段文本,自动从中提取出要点,然后再形成一个短的概括性的文本。

  • 输入:
    • text: 文本数据集
  • 输出:
    • dpmod:深度学习模型

**“自动摘要”(Summarization)**控件读取自动摘要数据集,通过指定要训练的模型及相关的训练参数进行自动摘要模型的训练。 训练集目录结构如下:

|- train.txt


text	summary
SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act of 2018''. SEC. 2. HIRING BY DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS OF ADDITIONAL VETERANS JUSTICE OUTREACH SPECIALISTS. (a) Hiring of Additional Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists.-- (1) In general.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall hire not fewer than 50 Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists and place each such Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist at an eligible Department of Veterans Affairs medical center in accordance with this section. (2) Requirements.--The Secretary shall ensure that each Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist employed under paragraph (1)-- (A) serves, either exclusively or in addition to other duties, as part of a justice team in a veterans treatment court or other veteran-focused court; and (B) otherwise meets Department hiring guidelines for Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists. (3) Supplement not supplant.--The Secretary shall ensure that the total number of Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists employed by the Department is not less than the sum of-- (A) the total number of Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists that were employed by the Department on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act; and (B) the number of Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists set forth in paragraph (1). (b) Eligible Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.--For purposes of this section, an eligible Department of Veterans Affairs medical center is any Department of Veterans Affairs medical center that-- (1) complies with all Department guidelines and regulations for placement of a Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist; (2) works within a local criminal justice system with justice-involved veterans; (3) maintains an affiliation with one or more veterans treatment courts or other veteran-focused courts; and (4) either-- (A) routinely provides Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists to serve as part of a justice team in a veterans treatment court or other veteran-focused court; or (B) establishes a plan that is approved by the Secretary to provide Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists employed under subsection (a)(1) to serve as part of a justice team in a veterans treatment court or other veteran-focused court. (c) Placement Priority.--The Secretary shall prioritize the placement of Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists employed under subsection (a)(1) at eligible Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers that have or intend to establish an affiliation, for the purpose of carrying out the Veterans Justice Outreach Program, with a veterans treatment court, or other veteran-focused court, that-- (1) was established on or after the date of the enactment of this Act; or (2)(A) was established before the date of the enactment of this Act; and (B) is not fully staffed with Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists. (d) Reports.-- (1) Periodic reports by secretary of veterans affairs.-- (A) In general.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act and not less frequently than once every year thereafter, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall submit to Congress a report on the implementation of this section and its effect on the Veterans Justice Outreach Program. (B) Contents.--Each report submitted under paragraph (1) shall include the following: (i) The status of the efforts of the Secretary to hire Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists pursuant to subsection (a)(1), including the total number of Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists hired by the Secretary pursuant to such subsection and the number that the Secretary expects to hire pursuant to such subsection. (ii) The total number of Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists assigned to each Department of Veterans Affairs medical center that participates in the Veterans Justice Outreach Program, including the number of Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists hired under subsection (a)(1) disaggregated by Department of Veterans Affairs medical center. (iii) The total number of eligible Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers that sought placement of a Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist under subsection (a)(1), how many Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists each such center sought, and how many of such medical centers received no placement of a Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist under subsection (a)(1). (iv) The total number of justice-involved veterans who were served or are expected to be served by a Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist hired under subsection (a)(1). (2) Report by comptroller general of the united states.-- (A) In general.--Not later than two years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a report on the implementation of this section and the effectiveness of the Veterans Justice Outreach Program. (B) Contents.--The report required by subparagraph (A) shall include the following: (i) An assessment of whether the Secretary has fulfilled the Secretary's obligations under this section. (ii) The number of veterans who are served by Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists hired under subsection (a)(1), disaggregated by demographics (including discharge status). (iii) An identification of any subgroups of veterans who underutilize services provided under laws administered by the Secretary and to which they are referred by a Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist. (iv) Such recommendations as the Comptroller General may have for the Secretary to improve the effectiveness of the Veterans Justice Outreach Program. (e) Authorization of Appropriations.-- (1) In general.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out subsection (a) $5,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2028. (2) Identification of offsets.--The Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that identifies such legislative or administrative actions as the Secretary determines will result in a reduction in expenditures by the Department of Veterans Affairs that is equal to or greater than the amounts authorized to be appropriated by paragraph (1). (f) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Justice team.--The term ``justice team'' means the group of individuals, which may include a judge, court coordinator, prosecutor, public defender, treatment provider, probation or other law enforcement officer, program mentor, and Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist, who assist justice- involved veterans in a veterans treatment court or other veteran-focused court. (2) Justice-involved veteran.--The term ``justice-involved veteran'' means a veteran with active, ongoing, or recent contact with some component of a local criminal justice system. (3) Local criminal justice system.--The term ``local criminal justice system'' means law enforcement, jails, prisons, and Federal, State, and local courts. (4) Veterans justice outreach program.--The term ``Veterans Justice Outreach Program'' means the program through which the Department of Veterans Affairs identifies justice-involved veterans and provides such veterans with access to Department services. (5) Veterans justice outreach specialist.--The term ``Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist'' means an employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs who serves as a liaison between the Department and the local criminal justice system on behalf of a justice-involved veteran. (6) Veterans treatment court.--The term ``veterans treatment court'' means a Federal, State, or local court that is participating in the veterans treatment court program (as defined in section 2991(i)(1) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3797aa(i)(1))). Passed the Senate February 15, 2018. Attest: JULIE E. ADAMS, Secretary. Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act of 2017 This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to hire at least 50 Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists, place each one at an eligible VA medical center, and ensure that each one serves as part of a justice team in a veterans treatment court or other veteran-focused court. An eligible VA medical center is one that: complies with all VA guidelines and regulations for placement of a specialist; works with a veteran with active, ongoing, or recent contact with some component of a local criminal justice system; maintains an affiliation with one or more veterans treatment courts or other veteran-focused courts; and either routinely provides specialists, or establishes a VA-approved plan to provide specialists, to serve as part of a justice team in such a court. The VA shall prioritize the placement of specialists at eligible VA medical centers that have an affiliation with such a court that: (1) was established after the date of this bill's enactment, or (2) was established before such date and is not fully staffed with specialists.
SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans E-Health and Telemedicine Support Act of 2017'' or the ``VETS Act of 2017''. SEC. 2. LICENSURE OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS PROVIDING TREATMENT VIA TELEMEDICINE. (a) In General.--Chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1730A the following new section: ``Sec. 1730B. Licensure of health care professionals providing treatment via telemedicine ``(a) In General.--Notwithstanding any provision of law regarding the licensure of health care professionals, a covered health care professional may practice the health care profession of the health care professional at any location in any State, regardless of where the covered health care professional or the patient is located, if the covered health care professional is using telemedicine to provide treatment to an individual under this chapter. ``(b) Property of Federal Government.--Subsection (a) shall apply to a covered health care professional providing treatment to a patient regardless of whether the covered health care professional or patient is located in a facility owned by the Federal Government during such treatment. ``(c) Construction.--Nothing in this section may be construed to remove, limit, or otherwise affect any obligation of a covered health care professional under the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 801 et seq.). ``(d) Covered Health Care Professional Defined.--In this section, the term `covered health care professional' means a health care professional who-- ``(1) is an employee of the Department appointed under the authority under sections 7306, 7401, 7405, 7406, or 7408 of this title, or title 5; ``(2) is authorized by the Secretary to provide health care under this chapter; ``(3) is required to adhere to all quality standards relating to the provision of telemedicine in accordance with applicable policies of the Department; and ``(4) has an active, current, full, and unrestricted license, registration, or certification in a State to practice the health care profession of the health care professional.''. (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 17 of such title is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1730A the following new item: ``1730B. Licensure of health care professionals providing treatment via telemedicine.''. (c) Report on Telemedicine.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the effectiveness of the use of telemedicine by the Department of Veterans Affairs. (2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall include an assessment of the following: (A) The satisfaction of veterans with telemedicine furnished by the Department. (B) The satisfaction of health care providers in providing telemedicine furnished by the Department. (C) The effect of telemedicine furnished by the Department on the following: (i) The ability of veterans to access health care, whether from the Department or from non-Department health care providers. (ii) The frequency of use by veterans of telemedicine. (iii) The productivity of health care providers. (iv) Wait times for an appointment for the receipt of health care from the Department. (v) The reduction, if any, in the use by veterans of in-person services at Department facilities and non-Department facilities. (D) The types of appointments for the receipt of telemedicine furnished by the Department that were provided during the 1-year period preceding the submittal of the report. (E) The number of appointments for the receipt of telemedicine furnished by the Department that were requested during such period, disaggregated by Veterans Integrated Service Network. (F) Savings by the Department, if any, including travel costs, of furnishing health care through the use of telemedicine during such period. Passed the House of Representatives November 7, 2017. Attest: KAREN L. HAAS, Clerk. . Veterans E-Health and Telemedicine Support Act of 2017 or the VETS Act of 2017 (Sec. 2) This bill allows a licensed health care professional of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to practice his or her profession using telemedicine at any location in any state regardless of where the professional or patient is located if the covered health care professional is using telemedicine to provide VA medical or health services. Such authority shall apply to a covered health care professional regardless of whether the covered health care professional or patient is located in a federally-owned facility. The bill defines "covered health care professional" as a health care professional who: (1) is a VA employee appointed under specified VA authorities or under the civil service; (2) is authorized by the VA to provide health care; (3) is required to adhere to all telemedicine quality standards; and (4) has an active, current, full, and unrestricted state license, registration, or certification for such health care profession. The VA shall report to Congress on the effectiveness of the VA's use of telemedicine.


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SECTION 1. LIABILITY OF BUSINESS ENTITIES PROVIDING USE OF FACILITIES TO NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. (a) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Business entity.--The term ``business entity'' means a firm, corporation, association, partnership, consortium, joint venture, or other form of enterprise. (2) Facility.--The term ``facility'' means any real property, including any building, improvement, or appurtenance. (3) Gross negligence.--The term ``gross negligence'' means voluntary and conscious conduct by a person with knowledge (at the time of the conduct) that the conduct is likely to be harmful to the health or well-being of another person. (4) Intentional misconduct.--The term ``intentional misconduct'' means conduct by a person with knowledge (at the time of the conduct) that the conduct is harmful to the health or well-being of another person. (5) Nonprofit organization.--The term ``nonprofit organization'' means-- (A) any organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and exempt from tax under section 501(a) of such Code; or (B) any not-for-profit organization organized and conducted for public benefit and operated primarily for charitable, civic, educational, religious, welfare, or health purposes. (6) State.--The term ``State'' means each of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, any other territory or possession of the United States, or any political subdivision of any such State, territory, or possession. (b) Limitation on Liability.-- (1) In general.--Subject to subsection (c), a business entity shall not be subject to civil liability relating to any injury or death occurring at a facility of the business entity in connection with a use of such facility by a nonprofit organization if-- (A) the use occurs outside of the scope of business of the business entity; (B) such injury or death occurs during a period that such facility is used by the nonprofit organization; and (C) the business entity authorized the use of such facility by the nonprofit organization. (2) Application.--This subsection shall apply-- (A) with respect to civil liability under Federal and State law; and (B) regardless of whether a nonprofit organization pays for the use of a facility. (c) Exception for Liability.--Subsection (b) shall not apply to an injury or death that results from an act or omission of a business entity that constitutes gross negligence or intentional misconduct, including any misconduct that-- (1) constitutes a crime of violence (as that term is defined in section 16 of title 18, United States Code) or act of international terrorism (as that term is defined in section 2331 of title 18) for which the defendant has been convicted in any court; (2) constitutes a hate crime (as that term is used in the Hate Crime Statistics Act (28 U.S.C. 534 note)); (3) involves a sexual offense, as defined by applicable State law, for which the defendant has been convicted in any court; or (4) involves misconduct for which the defendant has been found to have violated a Federal or State civil rights law. (d) Superseding Provision.-- (1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2) and subsection (e), this Act preempts the laws of any State to the extent that such laws are inconsistent with this Act, except that this Act shall not preempt any State law that provides additional protection from liability for a business entity for an injury or death with respect to which conditions under subparagraphs (A) through (C) of subsection (b)(1) apply. (2) Limitation.--Nothing in this Act shall be construed to supersede any Federal or State health or safety law. (e) Election of State Regarding Nonapplicability.--This Act shall not apply to any civil action in a State court against a business entity in which all parties are citizens of the State if such State enacts a statute-- (1) citing the authority of this subsection; (2) declaring the election of such State that this Act shall not apply to such civil action in the State; and (3) containing no other provision.









模型选择 PyTorch





训练参数 迭代轮数


学习率 learning rate 0.00000001~1 0.001




在下图所示的案例中,使用**“文本”(Text)控件加载数据集,连接“自动摘要”(Summarization)控件构建模型,再将“自动摘要”(Summarization)控件与“训练日志”(Train Log)**控件连接起来查看模型的训练日志。
